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Dilution refrigerators now running in BSP

Electrodynamics experiments are conducted using dilution refrigerators (originally purchased by Raymond Chiao) which were installed earlier this year in my new lab in the BSP building, and which will be upgraded through a new DoD grant (W911NF2210138). In addition to extending the useful life of the dilution refrigerators, we will upgrade to sub-15 mK operation and acquire a suite of measurement instruments enabling a broader range of state-of-the-art research. Wider use of the dilution refrigerators by collaborators and undergraduate students was limited by their location at Castle. Having relocated them to BSP, their unique capabilities are available to a larger number of UC Merced scientists and collaborators. These systems are suited to exploring the physics of motion as one traverses the quantum, relativistic and classical domains and they represent a key capability required for achieving my long-term goals associated with the optimizing capabilities of parametric devices for the purpose of testing open questions at the boundary between relativity and quantum mechanics.

Dilution Refrigerators

The Applied Photonics Research Group gratefully acknowledges funding through:

The University of California

The Department of Defense

The National Science Foundation

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

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